1 February 2014

Runeberg's torte 2014

Remember these cakes from the last yearRuneberg's torte, Runebergintorttu, is a seasonal Finnish cake to celebrate the national poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg's (1804-1877) birthday on the 5th of February. I tried to improve my previous recipe, and make somewhat taller cakes this year, because that's the right look for them. My dough was also more moist due to the added rum.

I think everybody should try these, as they really are lovely, and very quick to make!

Cake ingredients:

100g margarine
1dl sugar
1 egg
1dl wheat flour
1dl breadcrumbs
½dl ground almonds
1tsp baking powder
4tbsp rum
A few drops of almond extract

Topping ingredients:

Raspberry jam

Icing ingredients:

1tbsp lemon juice
2dl icing sugar


Beat the margarine and the sugar. Then add the egg, almond extract and rum to the mix while beating further. Mix the dry ingredients for the dough together in another bowl. Combine both mixtures and beat it all into an even paste.

Divide the dough into baking cases or use my method to get the high cakes: I lined metal food rings (5cm height, 6cm Ø) and placed them on a baking parchment. Then I filled them half full with the dough. If you make these large ones, there will only be about four cakes with these ingredient amounts. Otherwise you can get about 10, if you prefer smaller ones.

Bake the cakes in the oven at 200C for about 15-20 minutes, depending on the size, until fully baked. Let the cakes cool down after baking.

In the meanwhile make the icing by mixing the icing sugar and lemon juice into a firm paste. Place the raspberry jam on the top in the middle of the cakes. You can even press it a little bit into the cake. Squirt the icing onto the cakes in a thin circle around the jam and let set in the fridge for a few minutes. Now the cakes are ready to be served. 

Have nice Runeberg's Day celebrations!

Your VegHog


Thanks for reading! I would very much appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.