18 August 2014

Redcurrant and chilli jam

My holidays are over and I have returned home. Of course it's a shame not to see fascinating places all the time, but it's kind of good to be here again to my usual routine. I can't wait for the autumn to begin either, as it's somehow such a cosy season. I'm sure there will be a few holiday posts still, but at least I'm now able to cook in my own kitchen again.

I love redcurrants for their sharp taste, and now I got some fresh ones after a long while (haven't really had them in large quantities for years). A cake, a pie or anything sweet would've been the natural choice to make from them, but this time I went with something different.

I found this redcurrant and chilli jam recipe in a Finnish magazine and I pretty much followed it. The only thing was that I added vegetarian gelatine to it, as my jam didn't set without it. I guess Finnish redcurrants have that much more pectin, so that the jam sets without gelatine or extra added pectin. 


10 small dried red chillies (in the original recipe: 5 red chillies)
2 shallots
2 garlic cloves
200 g redcurrants (original recipe used frozen ones)
2 dl white wine vinegar
1 dl water
2 tbsp ground ginger
4 dl sugar
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp vegetarian gelatine


Chop the chillies, shallots and garlic finely. I left the seeds in the chillies as I used my own harvested and dried chillies, but if you don't want a very spice jam, remove the seeds then. My chillies are really very small, so the quantity might sound like a lot.

Put all ingredients into a saucepan and boil it through for a few minutes. Then let the mix simmer at lower heat for about 30 minutes. The original recipe says that the mix is fairly liquid at that point, however I would recommend adding a little vegetarian gelatine, if you want a firm jam.

Let the mix cool a little and then put it into jars and store in a cool place. Serve this jam with hearty cheese sticks, vegetarian burgers, roasted potatoes, whatever you would like!

Your VegHog


  1. Oh yes, autumn is my favorite season.<3
    And I've tried this type of jam before; but yours look much more delicious!
    Your blog never fails to make my mouth water. :9


    1. Haha, thanks Adi. This really turned out to be quite good and it might be seen later in the blog as well. Now I have loads.

      I can't wait to start with proper hearty autumn cooking and just stay in warm indoors. :)

  2. I wish I had seen this recipe a month or so back when I had a punnet of fresh seasonal red currants, maybe next year now. Looks so good, I love hot stuff.

    1. Yes, do give it a try next year. The recipe was really good, I just bumped into it while searching for spicy things to make with redcurrants.

  3. what is a "dl" of something?

    1. Hello! It is a desiliter, so 0,1 of a liter, 100 ml, 3,5 fluid ounces or 0,4 cups.

  4. so that would be 400 grams of sugar? You might want to change those measurements so that they are more world friendly?

    1. World friendly? Lol. Using dl are the best way to write a recipe

  5. Is 4 dl 400 grammes is sugar?

  6. Red currents are fresh in season now in uk


Thanks for reading! I would very much appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.