24 April 2017

Holiday mood

Good morning everyone! You probably already guessed it from the title and the too cheerful Monday morning greeting that I'm about to go on a holiday! Well I'm only going home to Finland, but it will be so good to see my family. It seems that it's still occasionally snowing over there, so that will be interesting for this time of year. I hope that you won't be having too much toil either, even if having just a regular working week.

So this was my breakfast bowl this morning, gathering strength and vitamins for the holiday. It's so nice to eat such colourful bowls of food, especially in the spring and summer. This bowl contained Greek yogurt, pineapple and strawberries.

I will be sharing some things from my Finland trip later. Remember still to take part in Eat Your Greens in April! I will be posting the round up from Finland, there's still one week to go!

Have a wonderful week!

Your VegHog


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